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Zinkod - creating new ways of communication together.

Zinkod offers a platform for convenient interaction between users, while jointly solving the problem of the language barrier.

The interface of the Zinkod project is still at the development stage, in which everyone can take a direct part. But even today, it perfectly demonstrates what it will be like in the near future. Thanks to the latest technologies and communication methods, the interface will go beyond any individual groups, and allow users to freely exchange information, goods and services.

The interface will allow you to spend interesting and most importantly useful time with your computer or mobile gadget. After all, there is nothing better than the realization that the time spent will benefit humanity. No other social network can compare with Zinkod in terms of global opportunities and prospects.

Together with Zinkod, it is interesting to color the world.

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To add words, rules in the Zinkod language, images, videos, to share information via social networks, please register on our website ( go to the registration paget ), it will not take much time.

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We offer to create and develop. We suggest that you polemize while respecting your interlocutors.

Users of the project post information, taking into account copyright compliance.

A demo version of the project's capabilities and prospects.